On The Issues

Criminal Justice Reform
There is no doubt that we must reform our nation’s criminal justice system and end institutional racism. Nascent and unchecked bias in policing coupled with lack of accountability is wreaking havoc on communities of color. We need strong leadership and historic, systemic change to happen now. Kai is committed to protecting our civil liberties, and if elected to Congress, he will work across the aisle to bring more accountability to policing. Kai supports proposed, comprehensive reforms such as those detailed in Senator Cory Booker’s police reform framework. Specifically, Kai supports:
- Improving police training and policies by banning religious and racial profiling and providing funding for racial bias training for law enforcement;
- Incentivizing states to ban chokeholds and other airway restrictive holds, known here as “vascular neck restraints”;
- Developing a registry that provides the public access to officers who have been disciplined, suspended and discharged for major infractions of misconduct and/or use-of-force incidents;
- Limiting “qualified immunity” for police officers, so legal actions by victims and families can be pursued if an individual’s constitutional rights were violated.
Kai supports legislation that would enhance the collection and dissemination of policing information and reporting. Victims of police violence and brutality must be able to seek justice and public accountability.